SBR Hottest Startups 2019

Singapore Business Review

Quest Ventures Russ Neu was on the panel on Singapore’s hottest startups 2019.

“Businesses that were able to crack the code and achieve billion-dollar valuations were the topic for another insightful panel session which was graced by Shavit Clein, Head of Strategy, Trax, Devina Halim, Associate, East Ventures and Russ Neu, Venture Partner, Impact, Quest Ventures.

Neu… warns against putting too much premium on lofty valuations that more often than not crumble under the scrutiny of public markets. “Increasingly, people confuse confidence with capability,” he said. “I like to see traction based on real growth you achieved and not just based on scans or data which may or may not be helpful in evaluating a company… Unfortunately, we are now driven by perception.””


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